犹太研究所 Institute of Jewish Studies

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    2138acom太阳集团(中国)有限公司犹太研究所 Institute of Jewish Studies, SISU






乔国强:英国诺丁汉大学博士,现为2138acom太阳集团(中国)有限公司教授,美国文学研究会副会长、中国中外文艺理论学会叙事学分会常务副会长、上海市外国文学学会常务副会长,入选国家级人才计划。乔国强教授为我国著名的犹太文学研究专家,其在美国犹太文学和叙述学等研究领域著述丰硕,在国内外具有很高的影响力。乔国强教授近年来著有The Jewishness of Isaac Bashevis Singer(2003)、《美国犹太文学》(2008, 修订版2019)、《贝娄学术史研究》(2014)、《叙说的文学史》(2017)、《美国文学批评史》(2019)等多部具有影响力的学术著作,并在Neohelican, Comparative Literature and Culture, Comparative Literature Studies, European Review, ANQ, Journal of Ethnic of American Literature等国际知名期刊以及《外国文学评论》等国内核心期刊发表论文多篇,其在犹太文学、叙事学、文学史等方面的研究受到国内外学界的广泛认可和高度评价。


李锋:南京大学博士,美国哥伦比亚大学富布莱特研究学者,现为2138acom太阳集团(中国)有限公司教授、“志远卓越学者”,兼任中国外国文学学会比较文学与跨文化研究会理事、上海市外国文学学会理事(教学研究委员会秘书长)、郑州大学英美文学研究中心兼职研究员,其主要研究方向为犹太文学与英美文学。李锋教授近年来在Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature、《外国文学研究》、《外国文学》、《复旦学报》等刊物上发表学术论文数篇,译有《圣经的叙事艺术》(2006)、《后现代主义诗学》(2009,合译)等作品,其在犹太文学、或然历史小说研究、文学与商业文化等方面的研究已形成自身特色。








(1) 犹太研究所与上海犹太难民纪念馆建立了紧密的战略合作关系,将充分利用其丰富的馆藏文献和档案,开展“上海犹太难民文学与大屠杀文学”的特色研究,以还原历史真相,充分展现中国人民在“二战”期间的历史贡献和人道主义精神,同时努力突显美国犹太文学研究的中国元素与中国声音。

(2) 犹太研究所目前已与美国哥伦比亚大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、杜兰大学、弗吉尼亚大学、波士顿学院,以色列海法大学、特拉维夫大学等国外知名高校的相关机构和学者建立起良好的合作关系,并同中国社科院外国文学研究所、南京大学犹太和以色列研究所、山东大学犹太教与跨宗教研究中心等国内院所和机构保持着紧密的联系与交流。

(3) 经犹太研究所牵头,我校与匈牙利科学院人文研究中心文学研究所签署国际合作协议,将在学术研究、人员互访、人才培养等方面开展深度合作。








About the Institute


The Institute of Jewish Studies was established on December 27, 2018. On June 12, 2019, Professor Li Yansong, the President of SISU, unveiled the bronze plaque of the Institute at the opening ceremony of the “Third International Conference on Jewish Studies” organized by Institute of Jewish Studies and Institute for the Global History of Civilizations. The Dean of the Institute is Professor Qiao Guoqiang.

Aimed at serving SISU’s overall strategy of development, the Institute is now engaged primarily in the study of Jewish literature and culture. While consolidating SISU’s traditional strengths in Jewish literature studies, the Institute commits to carrying out research in the fields of area studies and comparative literature in the hope of becoming one of China’s strongholds in Jewish studies. The Institute will gradually expand its areas of research and build expertise in Jewish literary criticism, Hebrew literature, and Israeli studies so as to ensure a sustainable development.


Our Faculty


QIAO Guoqiang: Ph.D. (University of Nottingham, U.K.), Distinguished Professor of English Language and Literature. Professor Qiao is also working as the Vice President of China Association for the Study of American Literature, the Executive Vice President of the Narratology Committee of China Association of Theories of Literature and Arts, and the Executive Vice President of Shanghai Foreign Literature Association. His researches on Jewish literature and narratology are highly influential at home and abroad. Professor Qiao is author of several critically acclaimed monographs, such as The Jewishness of Isaac Bashevis Singer (2003), American Jewish Literature (2008, revised version in 2019), A Study of the History of Saul Bellow Studies (2014), The Narrated Literary History (2017), A History of American Literary Criticism (2019) and many translated works, etc. He has also published widely on such international journals as Neohelican, Comparative Literature and Culture, Comparative Literature Studies, European Review, ANQ, Journal of Ethnic American Literature as well as China’s top journals of literary studies. His researches on Jewish literature, narratology, and literary history have been widely acknowledged and highly acclaimed in the academia.


LI Feng: Ph.D. (Nanjing University, China), Fulbright Research Scholar (Columbia University), and Professor at SISU. Professor Li is also the council member of Shanghai Foreign Literature Association, the council member of China Association of Comparative Literature and Cross-cultural Studies, and the research fellow at the Center for British and American Literature Studies, Zhengzhou University. His major areas of interest are Jewish literature and American literature. Professor Li has published extensively on such key journals as Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature, Foreign Literature Studies, Contemporary Foreign Literature, and Fudan Journal. His translations include Narrative Art in the Bible (2006), A Poetics of Postmodernism (2009), etc. He is now conducting researches chiefly on Jewish literature, alternate history fictions, and business culture in literature.


LU Cheng: Ph.D. (Fudan University, China), Visiting Scholar (Duke University), Postdoc (Shanghai International Studies University), and now assistant research fellow at Institute of Jewish Studies, SISU. Lu Cheng’s major research areas are contemporary western literary theories and aesthetic theories, Jewish culture and literature, comparative poetics. She has translated An Introduction to Theodor W. Adorno (2016) and published extensively on such key journals as Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art, Chinese Comparative Literature, ECNU Journal, etc. She’s now working on the project of René Girard’s literary theory funded by Ministry of Education of China.


WU Zhijing: Ph.D. (East China Normal University,China),Visiting Scholar(Heidelberg University, Germany), and now Postdoc ( Institute of Jewish Studies, Shanghai International Studies University).Her major research areas are Modern western art history and aesthetic theories, and her current research focuses on aspects of the European community of Jewish artists and art theorists. She has published several papers and translations in journal such as Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art, Chinese Language and Literature Research, etc. She is a member of several projects of national social sciences fund. She is a co-translator of A History of Modern Aesthetics Vol.2 by Paul Guyer (The Commercial Press, to be published).


Strategic Collaborations


1.The Institute has established strategic collaborations with Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum, whose large collection of documents and archives will provide valuable resources for the Institute’s research on “Shanghai Ghetto Literature and Holocaust Literature”. The purpose of such research is to restore the historical truth and display Chinese people’s humanistic spirit; meanwhile, it can utter the “Chinese voice” in Jewish literature studies.

2.The Institute has established close collaborations with scholars from Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, Tulane University, University of Virginia, Boston College, University of Haifa, and Tel Aviv University, as well as Institute of Foreign Literature Studies (CASS), the Diane and Guilford Glazer Institute for Jewish and Israel Studies (Nanjing University), and Center for Judaic and Inter-Religious Studies (Shandong University).

3.On the initiative of the Institute, SISU signed the international agreement with the Institute of Literary Studies of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The agreement aims at promoting academic cooperation for the exchange of students, teaching staff / researchers and members of the technical-administrative staff.


Academic Events


The Institute of Jewish Studies hosts “Jewish Studies Series Lectures”, whose aim is to promote the academic research and exchange in Jewish literature, history, philosophy and culture. The primary focus is currently placed on such topics as Jewish literature in Britain and the U.S., Israeli culture and literature, Shanghai Jewish refugees, Holocaust studies, and Jewish Immigration studies.

The lectures delivered by renowned scholars from home and abroad have attracted faculties and students from many other institutions of higher learning, including Fudan University, Tongji University and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Now the “Jewish Studies Series Lectures” has become a distinctive brand of SISU’s campus culture and produced very positive social impact.

In June 2019, the Institute organized the “Third International Conference on Jewish Studies” in collaboration with the Institute for the Global History of Civilizations. The theme of this conference is “Jewish Studies from an Interdisciplinary Perspective”. Scholars from China, U.S., Israel and Japan attended the event. The conference provided an important platform of academic exchange for scholars from various cultures and disciplines, and its success tremendously promoted the development of China’s Jewish studies.
